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Master’s Program in Industrial Technologies for the Factory of the Future

Master’s Program in Industrial Technologies for the Factory of the Future

Accredited by The Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation.

  • School / Department : IST&I / Innovation Lab for Operations

  • Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters / 1,200 hours

  • Mode of Instruction: Full time

  • Language(s): Courses conducted in French and English

  • Degree required upon admission: BAC+3

  • Degree granted upon completion: BAC+5

  • Training Venue: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University – Ben Guerir

  • Program Start Date : September 2023

The TIUF Master (Industrial Technologies for the Factory of the future) gets into projects of digitalization and development of the concepts of the Future Factory that target the majority of industrialists.

The modules of the Master's concern the main skills and technologies necessary for the deployment of Industry 4.0 concepts. The objective is to train students to master advanced industrial technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Sensors, Automation, Robotics, Industrial Vision, Industrial Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Intelligent Control Systems.

The training devotes a significant part to experimentation and development activities on advanced technology platforms that reproduce different industrial contexts in a realistic manner.


The students will  acquire fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to effectively take part in development projects, transformation or upgrading of manufacturing systems.

Among the targeted skills, we can cite :

  • Applying a structured approach for the definition, development and deployment of a digitization project on a production system;

  • Performing modeling and simulation of systems;

  • Performing engineering and integration of digital technologies for the measurement, analysis and performance management of equipment, services and industrial organizations;

  • Implementing automation solutions;

  • Analyzing the robustness, dependability and eco-efficiency properties of complex systems;

Indeed, students will also have acquired transversal competences in "soft skills" in (communication, teamwork, English) and "business skills" (innovation, entrepreneurship, project management, ...) allowing them to interact effectively in their future work environments.

Pr. Khalid KOUISS


Khalid KOUISS is a Professor of Systems Automation and Systems Engineering at UM6P and SIGMA Engineering School in Clermont-Ferrand. He is also an industrial expert who works with many companies.

His Research activities concern systems engineering, modeling of industrial systems, IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing Systems), MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems), automation of industrial systems and more broadly the deployment of Industry 4.0 concepts.

  •    SIGMA Clerrmont

  •    University of Nancy, FRANCE

  •     INSA Lyon, FRANCE

  •     Valenciennes University, FRANCE

  •     Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, FRANCE

  •     Durham University, UK

  •     Polytechnic University of the Hauts de France,FRANCE

  •     Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech, MOROCCO

  •     Mohammadia School of Engineers of Rabat, MOROCCO

  •     ENSIAS of Rabat, MOROCCO



S1 Module 1 Systems Engineering and Complexity
Module 2 Modeling and Simulation of industrial systems 
Module 3 Operational Research, Optimization and Mul-ticriteria Analysis 
Module 4 Statistical methods and data analysis 
Module 5 Algorithmic and programming
Module 6

Communication and Professional English

S2 Module 7 Digital Factory and Modeling
Module 8 Automatic and advanced control
Module 9 Communication and industrial networks
Module 10 Industrial Automation
Module 11 Industrial Management
Module 12 Hygiene, Quality, Safety, Environment


S3 Module 13 Piloting and Integration of industrial systems
Module 14 Real-time computing and embedded systems
Module 15 Artificial intelligence
Module 16 Robotics
Module 17 Industrial Vision and Virtual Reality
Module 18 Research-Innovation, Business Intelligence and Project Management


S4 End of Studies Internship

The End of Studies Project (PFE) aims to put the student in a real situation, within a company developing an R&D project or within a research laboratory. This internship will enable students, in terms of skills and know-how, to face the constraints inherent in the world of business.



In a unique approach, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic implements an innovative teaching and research model focused on experimentation. With this in mind, the University's sites are equipped with "Living Labs" dedicated to applied research. These laboratories simulate actual production situations as in mining facilities, experimental farms or factories , and are open to the scientific community and students.

As part of the TUIF Master’s, students will have access to Benguerir's Living Labs - The Experimental Mine, Safi's Living Lab- Chemistry Hub and to UM6P's Factory Lab.

Finally, the pedagogical dynamics encourage active participation of students, creativity, collective work and encourage learner autonomy.



This Master’s degree opens great prospects for students both in the academic and business worlds. Graduates will be able to continue their training as part of a PhD thesis, start their own company or occupy a position in an industrial and economic activity, mainly as :

  • Research & Development Engineer

  • System Architect

  • Expert Consultant

  • Industrial Systems Engineer

  • Industrial digitization Engineer

  • Industrial IT Project Manager

  • Automation Engineer

  • Instrumentation and Regulation Engineer

Sectors of choice : Manufacturing companies in all fields, integrators of digitalization solutions, consulting companies.

Admission and Practical Information


Admission is open to holders of an undergraduate degree (minimum bac+3) or equivalent in the following fields: Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Science, Automation, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science.

  • Specific pedagogical prerequisites: Basics of algorithmics and programming, databases, basics of electricity.

We invite you to sign up online via the link by completing the requested information or by contacting us at: [email protected] .

If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to a written competitive examination followed by an oral interview in keeping with the following schedule:

  • 31st of March : Application deadline

  • April-May : Written examination and oral interview

  • June-July : Admission results and receipt of scholarship application files

  • September/Early October : Start of term.

Given the current health situation, the dates and admission process may change. We will keep you informed.


The tuition fees are:

  • Registration fees (first year only): 5,000 MAD

  • Annual tuition fees: 75,000 MAD

Added to this are accommodation fees and catering on campus.

Scholarships can be awarded to the brightest students via an attractive scholarship scheme based on meritocracy and social criteria. The scholarships benefit a large number of our students. We invite you to contact us for more information.


For any questions, please contact the persons in charge below:

Pr. Khalid KOUISS

Pr. Khalid KOUISS

Master's TIUF Pedagogical Director

Email :  [email protected]

Pr. Khalid KOUISS