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Institut des Sciences de l’Éducation


The Institute of Educational Sciences (ISE) of  Mohammed the VI Polytechnic is driven by the desire to develop the sciences of education and training through educational innovation, research, teaching-learning and continuing professional development.

Hence, our Institute wishes to contribute to the mission of excellence and public utility of the UM6P, by setting up research/training-action projects in Moroccan and African territory. To do so, we rely on a solid team as well as local and international strategic alliances with renewed universities and researchers.

The Institute wishes to offer a promising framework, centered around digital technology and techno pedagogies, conducive to its students, teacher-researchers and partner, to educational innovation, to research and to the development of amended continuing education courses.

The Institute of Educational Sciences aims to position itself as a center of excellence in education and training sciences at national and African levels, recognized for the quality of its training programs based on “Evidence-based education” and its innovative research and knowledge dissemination activities.

Aware of the role and the importance of strengthening education and as a means to develop any nation, the Institute of Educational Sciences aims at aligning its missions with national and regional priorities in order to:

· Support education systems to incorporate well-trained quality human resources.

· Create a framework for research and educational innovation which promotes high quality education.

· Disseminate the results of educational research that impacts the development of a high-quality education system.

· Contribute to strengthening national expertise in educational sciences and to support the projects that shape and structure education reforms.


The core research activities of faculty-researchers at the Institute of Educational Sciences are focused on the topic of education in Morocco as well as the African continent, in association with national priorities to strengthen institutional research capacities and improve public education, particularly in the following areas:

- Educational policy, governance, administration and financing

- Schooling, quality and performance of education systems

- Pedagogy, didactics and educational technologies

- Measurement and evaluation

- Training in education and professional development


Doctoral Program

This program aims at research training via choosing an interdisciplinary perspective according to types of research, and by making it possible to build of various models of intervention taking into account components of the situation being studied. Doctoral student researchers trained in this Program acquire scientific and innovative expertise in education, making it possible to bridge the gap between research and practice based on the results obtained from research studies to improve educational intervention. This Doctoral Program, supervised by experts in educational science, offers a series of courses and projects for one academic year, followed by a doctoral research project which takes three years to be completed.


For more information on the doctoral program, please contact us at the following address: [email protected]




The offers of the Institute of Educational Sciences are structured around:

· Professional development for professionals. - Executive Masters and short certification training courses. - Validation certificate of prior learning; systematic approach and articulation between theory and practice in the field.

· Activities to promote “Best Practices” based on research evidence and finding


Executive Masters

These Master’s Programs are designed by first-class professors and distinguished academics from prestigious universities in Europe and North American countries. In a unique arrangement to create a bridge between research and practice, and in order to promote cross-knowledge, the programs welcome both executives and Master’s graduates who wish to pursue a doctoral program. Through these interactions and the exchange of professional skills and competences, managers, master’s graduates and doctoral students will learn all together how to formulate and conceptualize accurate solutions to the problems they face on a daily basis.

The Institute currently offers three executive masters, each of which to be completed in 12 months.

- GAPEF Executive Masters: Governance, education administration and policy training.

- Executive Masters in Professional Practices designed for Teacher Trainers.

- Executive Masters in Professional Development intended for teachers.


Short certification training courses:

The Institute offers short certifying training courses in university pedagogy and techno pedagogic delivered mainly online or in blended learning mode.

- “How to learn online” training to become familiar with distance learning and the use of digital tools in education.

- “How to teach online” A course which aims to equip faculty resources in online teaching and assessment.


For more information on our various training offers, please contact us at the following address: [email protected]

In addition to the training offers above, the Institute of Educational Sciences organizes seminars and conferences on various themes and issues related to educational sciences. These events aim at promoting research in educational sciences and fostering opportunities to meet international researchers on current themes in Educational Sciences in order to stimulate high-level research in Morocco and Africa.


On the program level, various annual seminars and international conferences in collaboration with universities and prominent international institutions.


For more information, contact us the following email address: [email protected]


Our team

Judicaël Alladatin

Enseignant-Chercheur en statistique, gouvernance et politique de l’éducation à l’Institut des Sciences de l’Éducation de l’UM6P.

Judicaël Alladatin

Abderrahmane Benrherbal

 Enseignant-chercheur en didactique des mathématiques à l’Institut des Sciences de l’Éducation de l’UM6P.

Abderrahmane Benrherbal

Ali Ait Si Mhamed

Enseignant-chercheur en sciences de l’éducation et techno-pédagogie à l’Institut des Sciences de l’Éducation de l’UM6P.

Ali Ait Si Mhamed

Aziz Mimoudi

  Chargé de cours en technopédagogie à l'Institut des Sciences de l'Éducation de l’UM6P

Aziz Mimoudi