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Interested in effectively contributing to the implementation of Agenda 2030 through its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? the UM6P Sustainable Development Department is launching its 2021 call for projects dedicated to the UM6P community. This call for projects, entitled “Mon projet DD 2021”, is part of UM6P's desire to set in motion a Sustainable Development approach and to mobilize its community (students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff) in order to integrate or strengthen Sustainable Development in our training, research and operations missions. The primary objective of the “Mon projet DD 2021” is to encourage the entire UM6P community (students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff) to propose SD projects, to experiment with concrete actions during their implementation, unlock the potential to their creativity and imagination, and show them that it is possible to develop alternatives by integrating all the aspects of sustainable development. *To submit your funding request or for any additional information, email us at [email protected] *More details on the "My SD project" call for projects and its terms and conditions can be found here *For more information on the deployment of the SD component within UM6P, do not hesitate to check the website. Remember that the UM6P Sustainable Development team works so that the Sustainable Development component is taken into account by everyone, at all levels, in the main missions of our institution, namely research, training, and operations. Our mission is to support, equip and promote initiatives emanating from the UM6P community. Link